Free Download Dray Day Revisited!!!

“You need to get to the Why?” Words spoken to me from a Black Genius I had the fortune to meet once. As artists we must express. I always say, “write, rehearse, perform, compose, arrange, record’ any one of those things and of course market and promote, should be done daily. It is never a job. Why do we continue to do what we do? It’s in us, the horn player blows and makes beats, the Bass player blesses the track, the drummer responds, and the emcees answer in dialogue. Another Black Genius offered this- “Meditate”, YES! For those that have passed, we hold you up and honor and respect the lessons you have blessed us with. We do this because it is WHO  we are. We express. Love, Life, Living.

“The click you choose will make your ship move, whatchu think and say is whatchu bring today”


Art by Joshua Lubensky